The Multi-Agent Programming Contest
Work in progress:
Dear everyone,
We are working on the next MAPC, no worries! As history has shown, we should not make any guesses about the timeframe at this point – we are hoping to be able to make an official announcement soon(TM), though.
MAPC 2022 Publication:
The MAPC 2022 book is out now!
No news:
Just a brief update. There are no exciting news as of now. Except the papers of MAPC 2022 are about to be published soon(ish). Aside from that, an MAPC 2023 is very unlikely. We are looking to have an announcement (of MAPC 2024) ready later this year.
MAPC 2022 Results:
All matches are run, the results are in! We congratulate MMD from ELTE Hungary for winning the 16th MAPC!
2022: Agents Assemble III

Aims and Scope
This competition is an attempt to stimulate research in the area of multi-agent system development and programming by
- identifying key problems,
- collecting suitable benchmarks, and
- gathering test cases which require and enforce coordinated action
that can serve as milestones for testing multi-agent programming languages, platforms and tools. We also expect that participating at the contest helps to debug existing systems and to identify their weak and strong aspects.
The performance of a particular system will be determined in a series of games where the systems compete against each other. While winning the competition is not the main point, we hope it will shed light on the applicability of certain frameworks to particular domains.